ph: private
2 weeks ago (weekend 5 december) we decided to be wild and impulsive and went to Barcelona.
Saturdaymorning we took the bus and mondayevening we came back (almost missing the bus to a second.. we are all three very awfull with time and organisation).
I don't know what happens but we -or at least i- never experience the crazy, unexpected, big things on trip where you read so much about.
It was very very nice -nioce- and i had a blast but still, it was just a normal citytrip. It would have been the same with parents (but less nioce offcourse).
Where do people find those crazy adventurous?? I mean, just walking around and enter the first, random pub, doesn't make it happen. I know it because i tried it many many times.
It's touristic and it's full of drunken english or other tourists who doesn't mind to give 5euros for a pint. Sometimes i'm so desperate and longing for the insiderish, underground places that i'm at the point of following unknown people to their secret areas, like a stalking wacko.
Desperately praying they won't just walk home, consuming the prepared meal from the mamma. I don't feel like trying out 7 spanish folks before one really goes their favourite awesome hangoutspot (no, not their home).
But maybe it would be a good coming-back-to-earth.
Now don't think i'm a freak because i've never ACTUALLY done it.
It's just something that plays in my head, the temps-en-temps.
North of Europe is btw full of snow so it could be that i'm stuck here a few days more.
But ppppplease let me go home before Christmas.