my room, heaven of sleep
And because she is an endlessly source of inspiration and no new it-girl can ever compete to her: here some Debby Harry!
In my next life I want to be born as her. And have that crazy frizzy white hair the moment I see the light. AND THAT SENCE OF STYLE, kabaaam.
I wanna wear the second outfit: just a simple messy tshirt and the idea of no pants at all. I just don't think my town will be able to handle it. They will definitely yell at me: you forget to put on your pants!! And I also think my legs will freeze to death, so hellooo jeans!
The third picture is great too: if you ever injured your knee, just act like you ment to for your outfit!! Damn, blondie gives so much wisedom.
O yes, I still didn't wash my hair. But now I MUST and WILL.
ps. Sorry for the bad english, as you propably already figured out it ain't my language of birth. Dutch is. But you don't want me to speak that
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